Select a planting location with full sun, good drainage, and no disease history. Make sure you rotate your crop each year.
Prepare your onion beds early so the bed is weed free.
When your plants arrive, cut the rubber band and spread out the plants in a well ventilated, cool area until you plant. Do not put them in water.
Water after planting. Use the “knuckle rule” to determine when to water during the season. If you can’t feel moisture up to your first knuckle when you stick your finger in the ground then it’s time to water. Onions require 20-22 inches of water per season. Use drip or furrow irrigation rather thna a sprinkler system, which may promote the rapid spread of disease.
Use a high source of nitrogen 21-0-0 every two to three weeks until the onions start to bulb.
When the tops start to fall over, it’s time to harvest. Lift the onions out of the ground. Place the top of one onion over the bulb of another to let the tops dry in the field. Once you are able to squeeze the neck and not feel any moisture, it’s time to cut the tops and prepare for storage.
Place in mesh bags in a cool, cry, well-ventilated location. This helps reduce rotting issues.